BROOKFIELD, OH—The Strimbu Memorial Fund has launched a revamped, more user-friendly website, according to William Strimbu.
“We saw the need to provide web visitors with up-to-date information about the Strimbu Memorial Fund,” said Strimbu. “I’m excited about the new website because it coincides with the 25th anniversary of the fund.”
The site features the history of the Strimbu Memorial Fund, information about the annual fund raising bar-b-que, a photo gallery, its philanthropic giving including student scholarships, news releases and simple contact information.
“Visitors to the site will also find details regarding this year’s May 7 bar-b-que and how they can purchase a ticket to win a 2014 Camaro SS. This is all about providing funding through the Memorial Fund,” Strimbu said.
Since its inception in 1990, the Strimbu Memorial Fund has provided millions of dollars in donations and scholarships. The fund also supports local economic development and many charitable organizations. Ninety-nine percent of the proceeds of the Strimbu BBQ go to these scholarships and grants.
“The Strimbu Memorial Fund was created to perpetuate the work of my late father, Nick Strimbu Jr., who had a passion for leading individuals and economic development agencies in order to attract, assist and retain the industrial base of the valley,” said Strimbu. “In addition, when the Strimbu Memorial Fund awards scholarships to area students, we are investing in the life of a person—and that is worth millions.”
The new website was created by full-service marketing, advertising and public relations firm, Corliss Marketing Communications, in conjunction with Executive Web Management, LLC.